At the intersection of Real Estate and Technology
| Asia |
The Exponential Age
The 21st century is an era of exponential growth.
We capitalise; advising companies at the intersection of real estate, software and technology.
Real Estate
The Old is New Again
Real Estate is a traditional industry, in transformation.
AI, DLT and Automation play key roles.
We guide companies through the transition.
Emerging Markets
Competent capital deployment is key.
Our capital allocations are at the intersection of real estate and technology, in emerging markets. There is also a focus on broader, emergent-trend allocations.
A Privately Held Company.
Proudly based in Dubai - UAE.
"We can only move forward if the next generation is better than the previous one."
His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum.

First Floor
9WA 138-SO-26
Dubai Airport Freezone
Incorporated pursuant to Dubai Law No. 25 of 2009 with limited liability ذات مسؤوليه محدودة تأسست بموجب قانون دبي رقم 25 لسنة 2009
License No.: 05066